My name is Erika Sampson and I am a Wellesley College graduate majoring in Media Arts and Sciences, an interdisciplinary major combining computer science and studio art.

I mainly develop video games and VR experiences, where I’ve worked on everything from game design to programming to 2D art assets. I am particularly interested in accessibility and representation within video games.

The first game I ever played was Pokemon Pearl on the Nintendo DS, and I’ve loved video games ever since. My passion for creating video games started with a middle-school coding summer camp and has only grown during college.

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    As design chair for Wellesley College’s Taiwanese Cultural Organization (TCO), my job is to create publicity materials for all TCO events. Once I have the event information from the heads of each event, I gather reference materials and ideas, before drawing out the design in Adobe Fresco and then arranging all the drawn elements with text into a complete poster.

    When I first started my role, I wanted to develop a cohesive style to use for the entire year, so people could instantly recognize that the poster was for a TCO event. Each poster is drawn in a cartoon style, and all of them feature bears in some way. This bear, called the Formosan black bear or the Taiwanese black bear, is sometimes treated as an unofficial mascot of Taiwan, and it felt fitting for such an animal to help represent the organization.